LAND USE: Promote pro-active planning and growth strategies that will increase the quality of life.
TRANSPORTATION: Improve infrastructure that moves people and goods safely throughout the community.
UTILITIES & COMMUNITY SERVICES: Plan and manage utilities and community services to meet the current and future needs of the community.
Land Use Strategies & Action Steps
1A. Reference adopted plans for land use decisions and capital investment projects.
1A.1 Reference the Future Land Use Plan and Criteria for development plans and rezoning requests.
1A.2 Update the Capital Improvement Plan annually to provide direction on all capital & maintenance
projects (roads, sidewalks/trails, parks, utilities, community services).
1A.3 In addition to this comprehensive plan, reference the town’s adopted plans when considering land use
decisions as well as identifying new projects and programs. These plans include:
Water & Sewer Master Plans
Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual (stormwater)
5-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan
County Road 311 / US 31 Corridor Study
1C. Evaluate targeted voluntary annexation for areas that are currently or could feasibility be served by town utilities and services.
1C.1 Identify areas for voluntary annexation based upon established criteria, such as areas that are currently
served by town utilities (water, sewer) and services (police, sanitation, etc.).
1C.2 Adopt annexation policies that evaluate and/or require annexation prior to extending utilities and/or
town services. ​
1B. Update zoning and subdivision regulations that promote community goals to ensure that new development is consistent with the goals, policies, and guidelines of this Comprehensive Plan.
1B.1 Update the ordinances to reconcile previous updates in order to eliminate conflicting statements,
comply with current state statutes, and address current development needs.
1B.2 Create new mixed-use zoning districts for downtown as well as the interchanges to facilitate more
compact and sustainable patterns of development.
1B.3 Establish design standards in highly visible areas to ensure high-quality development.
1B.4 Update standards for signage and lighting along primary corridors.
1B.5 Require sidewalks for new development and redevelopment along collector and arterial streets.
1B.6 Require open space in large residential subdivisions.
1B.7 Encourage a mix of housing types and densities for residential subdivisions.
1B.8 Allow for diverse housing options including downtown live-over-work, low maintenance, and highdensity.
1B.9 Evaluate the need to hire a full-time Planning and Zoning Administrator.